Thursday 19 June 2014

IATA welcome Glyn Hughes as global Head of Cargo

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has recently announced Glyn Hughes as its next global Head of Cargo. Hughes is no stranger to the company, having joined IATA in 1991 to assist in helping expand and develop the cargo accounts settlement service. Hughes helped the service grow from 35 to nearly 100 operations, whilst also maintaining extremely low levels of agency default and reducing the overall operating costs for its members.
IATA's new Head of Cargo, Glyn Hughes
Hughes has also led IATA Cargo's initiatives over recent years, becoming involved with industry management and relationship building. He has also been part of the global air cargo advisory group steering committee, in additional to leading a campaign to promote the value and use of air cargo.

IATA's Director General and Chief Executive Officer, Tony Tyler, has commented on Hughes' movement within the company: "I am delighted that Glyn has agreed to become our new hard of cargo. He has worked very closely with [former Cargo Head] Dan Vertannes these past four years and is well placed to continue the important work."

Tyler proceeded to advise that "air cargo faces considerable challenges" and that the company has an "ambitious goal to improve the industry's competitiveness." Tyler believes Glyn's addition will ensure focus is "dedicated to that goal", in additional to delivering the industry priorities, which include safety, security, quality, modernisation and transformation through the e-cargo agenda.

Hughes began his new duties recently by speaking at IATA's 70th annual general meeting in Doha. Hughes presented in regards to the air cargo industry, speaking on three key areas, these being: safety, security and modal competitiveness.

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